DEVO. 12.03.24
“For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.” (Hebrews 3:14 NLT)
- Its not how you start you race that matters most but how you end!
- Reading the word of God, every day, matters
- Praying, every day, matters.
- Serving Jesus matters!
- Keeping your heart clean from bitterness and resentment, matters.
- Living a pure life and keeping a pure heart, matters!
- It matters, even when you don’t feel like it.
- Because, every day is a day to build your faith!
- Don’t be like the Israelites, who witnessed the amazing miracles of God all throughout their time of wandering in the wilderness but when the arrived at the promised land, they did not have enough faith that he would deliver the land to them!
- Hebrews 3:19 says, “So we see that because of their unbelief they were not able to enter his rest.”
- Because of their unbelief!
- If you just change that one word, from unbelief to belief, it changes everything.
- That verse could have read, “because of their belief in God and His power, they were able to enter His rest.”
- Unbelief leads to being denied God’s Promises and Belief leads to walking in His promises!
- How is your story going to read?
- Belief or unbelief?
- When things get hard and difficult, are you going to go back to old ways and habits or are you going to have and unshakeable faith in God and His ability?
- Today, decide in your heart that you are going to believe and trust in God regardless of what everyone else does around you!
- Renew your faith and trust in Him, today!
- Be faithful to the end!
- Have a great Tuesday!