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DEVO 11.18.24


DEVO. 11.18.24

“By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin..." (‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭24‬-‭25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

- Life is all about choices

- Every day we have hundreds of choices to make

- Every choice has a consequence

- if you choose to eat that Oreo today, then you also may need to choose time on the treadmill later burning off those empty calories

- One choice, leads to another choice

- both choices produce results

- choosing to eat an Oreo produces unwanted pounds

- Choosing to exercise results in burning off those calories

- Moses had a choice. He could experience all the benefits and ease of living in Pharaoh‘s house.

- He “Chose Rather” to suffer affliction with the people of God.

- He didn’t have to, he chose it!

- Look at your choices today

- Choose the way of righteousness rather than unrighteousness.

- Choose the truth over a lie.

- Choose being kind rather than self-centered.

- Choose to love instead of hate

- Choose a disciplined life over an undisciplined life.

- Choose the narrow road over the broad easy path.

- Look at the results of Moses‘s choice

- What he chose lead him to see the deliverance of God‘s people, the parting of the Red Sea, countless miracles and leading the people to the promised land.

- His choice led to a relationship with God that no one else had.

- It was just a choice, but that choice had huge implications

- so, how about you? What are you going to choose today?

- Are you going to choose the easy, comfortable way or the more difficult way?

- Choose this day, whom you will serve!

- No choice is a small matter.

- Moses chose and so can you. Choose wisely!

- Have a great Monday!


Worship Times:   Sundays, 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

@ All rights reserved 2021

Office:  386.738.5000 / M-F, 10a-4p

1747 W. New York Ave.  Deland, FL 32720

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