DEVO. 11.16.24
“Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7 NLT)
- Are you ready for the Lord to reveal Himself and His plans to you in a fresh new way, today?
- Are you watching & waiting in anticipation?
- This verse starts with the word “indeed”.
- “Indeed” means, “without a doubt or certainly”
- In other words, “without a doubt, when God is about to do something, he is going to show His plans to His children who are paying attention.”
- He reveals Himself and His plans to those who are in a covenant relationship with Him.
- Those who believe that He still speaks.
- Those who believe that He can change the course of your circumstances.
- If you are a child of God and a true believer in Jesus then He has something that He wants to reveal to you!
- Believers are the only ones that He will reveal His plan to because they are the only ones who are paying attention to Him.
- So today, God has something to say!
- Do get too busy to hear Him.
- Don’t get so preoccupied with what you are doing that you miss him.
- He needs your focus and he needs your attention
- Every morning start off by saying, “God I’m watching and listening.”
- Tell the Lord, “You’ve got my attention!”
- He is the Alpha and the Omega.
- That means, it all starts and ends with Him!
- Hebrews 12:2 says, “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”
- He initiates and we pay attention and then join Him.
- Today, God has something to reveal… are you watching and waiting?
- Without a doubt, He’s going to do it!
- Have a great weekend!