DEVO. 07.09.24
“But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News.” (Colossians 1:23 NLT)
- That word just jumps out at me!
- The apostle Paul has just talked about everything being created by Jesus Christ.
- Verse 17 says, “He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.”
- He says in verse 22, “Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.”
- He says, you are Holy and blameless because of what Christ has done!
- It’s not of your works but it because of what Christ has done.
- Then He says, “continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it”
- Continue & Stand Firm!
- That’s pretty specific.
- Don’t let circumstances change your mind!
- Don’t let other people pull you away from this truth!
- Don’t let doubts pull you away!
- You need to know what Christ has done and who you are in Him!
- continue to remind yourself of that truth and live that out!
- Once it is established in your heart and mind you let that affect your behavior!
- Just like an athlete, acts, behaves and trains like an athlete, you as a Christian need to do the same!
- Act and behave like a follower of Christ!
- Every day, Continue & Stand Firm in that truth!
- That is the gospel!
- Have a great Tuesday!