DEVO. 07.06.24
“Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.” (I KINGS 17: 2,3)
- God gives His prophet a Word.
- It’s a very timely Word at a time of judgment.
- The backstory is that God’s people, Israel have left God.
- They have worshipped other idols, including Baal, and God is withholding rain for 3 years.
- The Hebrew word for “hide” is “satar”. This means “To Hide, conceal, or cover”
- But it is more than a “Get out of Dodge” word for delivering an unfavorable word to the king.
- It means to “Hide and conceal yourself.”
- It refers to a deliberate and decisive choice in obedience to God’s command.
- God gives the Word, Elijah hears the Word and immediately obeys the Word.
- The noun form, “seter”, is used in the womb as a secret place of shelter.
- In Psalm 17:8 the Psalmist uses this word when he says, “Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide (setar) me in the shadow of thy wing.
- In Psalm 31:20 he says, “You shall hide (satar) them in the secret (seter) place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion From the strife of tongues.
- As you can see, God’s Word for Elijah to “Get away” for protection was also a “Get away with me”
- God was in the process of training His prophet.
- He was creating a “Get away” time of intimacy with Elijah where He could speak to His heart.
- Amos 3:7 says, “The Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”
- The picture is, Elijah and God away in seclusion, where Elijah learns all about God His Provider as he is fed by Ravens and has water from a brook.
- So instead of being an “Escape from” the droubt, it becomes an “Escape to” the Lord.
- A time of intimacy and revelation.
- Perspective changes Everything!
- When you go through stressful situations and difficulties, how do you view your “Get Away Time” with Jesus?
- Is your devotion time an escape from your problems and difficulties or an escape to Him?
- If you have an ”Escape from” mentality, it will bring a Spirit of Fear and that’s not of God.
- 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
- If you have an “Escape to” mentality then it becomes a time of intimacy and a time where God reveals His secrets to you in a way that you have never known before.
- Its a time of growth and nourishment!
- Today, let me encourage you to “Escape To” Jesus!
- Get away with Him and let Him whisper His secrets to you.
- Have a great Weekend!