DEVO. 06.25.24
“The power of the Lord was present with Him to heal.” (Luke 5:17 AMP)
- This is the story of the paralyzed man, whose friends lowered him through the roof, to place him in front of Jesus.
- Interestingly, Scripture says, “The power of God was there to heal.”
- In other words, there are times when His power is not there to heal and there are times when His power is there to heal.
- I believe that this has alot do with the faith of the people.
- verse 20, says, “When Jesus saw their [active] faith [springing from confidence in Him], He said, “Man, your sins are forgiven.”
- They had confidence in who Jesus was and believed in what He could do!
- That faith created an environment, where the power of the Lord was “present to heal”
- Do we even realize when God’s power to heal is present and when it is not?
- Healing does not come from getting a formula right! Like, step 1: Read the Bible. Step 2: pray; Step 3: Lay hands on the sick.
- That’s an example of a formula.
- But that’s not how God works!
- God works through relationships!
- God wants you to Know Him and through your relationship with, the God whom you Know, lead others into a relationship with God.
- He is a God who is active and present.
- He is a God who is with us!
- If you remove the relationship part of God, then you will remove His presence.
- God wants you to know Him and He wants to be known by you.
- Part of knowing God is knowing when His power is present and when it is not.
- If there is an environment of doubt, critical words, negativity, and control, I highly doubt that His power will be there to heal, because His presence will not be in those places.
- 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
- Freedom and control cannot co-exist in the same place, at the same time.
- Freedom means, “God, I give you complete permission to do it your way and in your timing”
- Just because God is our Healer doesn’t mean that He will Heal, when we command Him to do it.
- We must be aware of our spiritual environment.
- Part of knowing God, is knowing His ways and His timing.
- God is not here to fulfill our wishes.
- Let’s become keenly aware of God’s presence and power!
- let’s strengthen our spiritual senses so that we see what He sees and we hear what He hears.
- Let’s spiritually be able to sense when God wants to move!
- We move when He moves!
- In John 5:19, Jesus said, “The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”
- If Jesus could only do what he saw the Father doing, then how much more important is it for us to do what we see Him doing.
- Jesus never acted independently from God and neither can we.
- Let’s spiritually become alert to times when His power is there to heal and when it is not!
- When it is not, let’s pray and deal with the barriers, which are preventing His power from being there.
- Lets strengthen our walk, our faith and our spiritual sensitivity!
- Have a great Tuesday!