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DEVO 06.19.24



“So he got up and ate and drank, and the food gave him enough strength to travel forty days and forty nights to Mount Sinai, the mountain of God.” (‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭19‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

- Where do you go when troubles come?

- Where do run to when you are afraid, confused or stressed?

- The place you run will determine the direction you will go!

- Elijah ran to the word of the Lord.

- Actually, when he received a “word” from Jezebel, and he was afraid for his life, he ran to the word.

- It’s very interesting.

- He received a “word” that said, I am going to kill you and he ran to the safest place that he knew, where the “word” was originally given to Moses, Mount Sinai, also known as Mount Horeb.

- Elijah’s “Go to” when stress hit, was the presence of God.

- In 1 Kings 18:15, he said, “As the Lord of hosts lives, before whom I stand, I will surely present myself to him today.”

- Do you know how powerful that phrase is?

- “before whom I stand”

- Elijah had made a daily habit of presenting himself before the Lord.

- And then when death threats were made against him, and he received that word, he ran to a place where he could replace that word with the word of the Lord.

- Don’t ever take the word of the Lord for granted.

- Gods word can change the trajectory of your life.

- Gods word can bring hope in an otherwise hopeless situation.

- Gods word can bring solutions in places where there are no answers.

- And even when he ran and hid in a cave, it was still on the mountain of the Lord.

- Make sure that the cave that you hide yourself in, is still on the mountain where Gods presence is.

- Today, write down the places where you have sensed the presence of God and you have felt him speak to you.

- When you feel discouraged, always return to the place where you heard the word of the Lord.

- It may be a physical place or it may be a church, a person or simply the word of God, but return to the place where you heard him speak. Go there and wait in His presence.

- In 1 Kings 19:9 it says, “There he came to a cave, where he spent the night. But the Lord said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

- Just focus on the fact that the Lord spoke to Him in that place.

- That’s what he needed.

- He now had a blessed “Word” that could erase the “word curse” from Jezebel!

- Today, run to the life giving “Word of the Lord”

- Have a great Wednesday!


Worship Times:   Sundays, 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

@ All rights reserved 2021

Office:  386.738.5000 / M-F, 10a-4p

1747 W. New York Ave.  Deland, FL 32720

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