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DEVO 02.06.25


DEVO. 02.06.25

But Noah found favor and grace in the eyes of the LORD.” (GENESIS‬ ‭6:8‬ ‭AMP‬‬)

- Noah found it!

- He found Grace & Favor!

- Do you know that you can find it just like Noah did?

- Finding favor means gaining approval, acceptance, or God’s blessings.

- Why and how did Noah find the Lords favor?

- The very next verse gives us the answer

- Verse 9 says, ”Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God.“

- ‭‭ He walked with God! He spent time with God.

- He talked with God

- It means that this was a priority for Noah, not an afterthought.

- This was the most important thing to him! To know God, and to be known by God!

- Do you know God like that?

- Have you walked with him lately?

- Walking him led to Noah’s life, reflecting God, and his character.

- This lead to him being recognized as righteous in a world that was totally unrighteous.

- So, In the middle of a sinful, corrupt world, God declared Noah in right standing with Him!

- Today, begin with a walk, and as you walk, talk with God.

- Pursue Him today and find Favor & Grace.

- Have a great Thursday!


Worship Times:   Sundays, 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

@ All rights reserved 2021

Office:  386.738.5000 / M-F, 10a-4p

1747 W. New York Ave.  Deland, FL 32720

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